Opportunity to be a part of the Inaugural ASP Ambassadors Program The American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP) is seeking interested individuals to become a part of our inaugural team of ASP ambassadors. The ASP ambassadors are dynamic leaders who work with their peers to promote networking and collaboration, make connections between ASP and local universities, address the needs of young scientists by utilizing ASP resources, and instill a passion for natural products in the next generation. Details about the program and a link to the simple web-based application form are included below. Applications are due May 15th. Individuals selected for this program will be invited to attend a luncheon at the American Society of Pharmacognosy meeting in Madison, Wisconsin where we will officially launch the program (http://aspmeetings.pharmacognosy.us/).
Ambassadors selected for this program will receive free registration for the ASP meeting. Questions? Please reach out to Laura Sanchez (sanchelm@uic.edu), Brian Murphy (btmurphy@uic.edu) or Nadja Cech (nadja_cech@uncg.edu). We are a trio of members from the ASP Diversity Committee who are committed to success of this new initiative.
Responsibilities of Ambassadors:
▪ Targeted recruiting of the ASP to undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students that hail from underrepresented backgrounds
▪ Develop and maintain relationships with local institutions and organizations that serve URM (under-represented minority) populations (examples include PUIs, HBU, institutions with official minority serving institutions designations, etc)
▪ Identify and assist ASP Committee for Diversity and Inclusion in responding to the needs of the local scientific community to continue to develop and refine initiatives that enhance the diversity within the ASP.
▪ Strengthen ASP’s network of young members
Ambassadors are appointed to an initial 3-year term.
Benefits of being an Ambassador:
▪ Opportunity to serve as a leader in ASP’s mission to advance all areas of pharmacognosy research worldwide
▪ Opportunity to build networks with communities of scientists not traditionally incorporated in ASP events and activities
▪ Hands on training at the annual meeting to hone scientific communication skills
▪ Free registration at annual ASP meetings and reimbursement of travel expenses to attend conferences as ambassador.
Eligibility Requirements for Ambassadors (Full Members):
▪ Have current ASP membership
▪ Completed a PhD, or equivalent terminal degree in a pharmacognosy-related field OR a graduate degree and multiple years of post-academic experience
▪ Track record of publication in pharmacognosy
▪ English (advanced) proficiency
▪ Able to promote the ASP at one local and one national events per year (expenses paid by the ASP)
Eligibility Requirements for Young Ambassadors (Associate Members):
▪ Have current ASP membership
▪ English (intermediate – advanced) proficiency
▪ Able to promote the ASP at one local and one national event per year (expenses paid by the ASP)
Application Process for Ambassadors:
▪ Applications should be submitted to ASP Diversity and Inclusion Committee via this form: https://goo.gl/forms/98P2q4DSnoP9vK3X2
Applications must include:
▪ Curriculum Vitae (PDF, 10 MB max)
▪ Years of ASP membership
▪ Area of interest within pharmacognosy
▪ List all non-ASP meetings regularly attended (Full members only)
▪ List of agencies/ministries, organizations, universities, etc., where applicant has strong contacts (Full members only)
▪ Explain interest in position, relevant skills and experience (600 characters including spaces)
▪ Description of previous ASP activities related to student recruitment or retention (600 characters including spaces)
▪ Description of leadership roles in local scientific community (600 characters including spaces)
▪ Action plan with their proposed activities for recruitment, retention, and scientific communication activities in their Ambassador role (1200 characters including spaces)