Cindy Angerhofer
President (2016-2017), Fellow (2020), Tyler Prize (2015), Co-Chair International Relationships, Honorary Member
Joe Betz
President (2024-2025), Executive Committee, Tyler Prize (2013), International Relationships Committee
NIH Office of Dietary Supplements
John H. Cardellina II
President (2000-2001), Foundation Chair, Honorary Member, Fellow (2010), Tyler Prize (2021), Publications Committee
Guy T. Carter
President (2008-2009), Fellow (2013), Farnsworth Award (2017), ASP2022 Organizing Committee
Biosortia Pharmaceuticals
Jon Clardy
President (2003-2004), Farnsworth Award (2004), Fellow (2006)
Harvard Medical School
Alice M. Clark
President (1994-1995), Honorary Member, Fellow (2018), Corporate Relations Committee Co-Chair
The University of Mississippi
Geoffrey A. Cordell
President (1985-1986), Honorary Member (2006), Fellow (2012), Farnsworth Award (2019)
Natural Products Inc
Gordon M. Cragg
President (1998-1999), Fellow (2008), Honorary Member (2003), Newsletter Committee
NIH Special Volunteer
Norman R. Farnsworth
President (1961-1962), Honorary Member (1985), Farnsworth Award (2005), Fellow (2006), Tyler Prize (2001)
Harry H.S. Fong
President (1978-1979), Honorary Member (2004)
University of Illinois at Chicago
William H. Gerwick
President (2002-2003), Fellow (2008), Farnsworth Award (2016), Honorary Membership Committee
UCSD/Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Chris Ireland
President (1991-1992), Fellow (2009), Farnsworth Award (2012), Corporate Relations Committee
University Of Utah
Edward J. Kennelly
President (2015-2016), Newsletter Editor, Newsletter Committee, Honorary Member
Lehman College, City University of New York
David G.I. Kingston
President (1988-1989), Farnsworth Award (1999), Fellow (2006)
Virginia Tech
James D. McChesney
President (1986-1987), Fellow (2016)
Cloaked Therapeutics, LLC
Tawnya McKee*
Past President (2023-2024), Executive Committee, Chair-Nominating Committee
National Cancer Institute - *Dr. McKee is serving in her personal capacity*
Kerry McPhail
Art Selection Committee, Art Schwarting and Jack Beal Awards Committee, Suffness Award (2013)
Oregon State University
Nicholas Oberlies
ASP2025 Organizing Committee, President (2020-2021), ASP Fellow, Suffness Award (2005)
UNC Greensboro
Roy Okuda
President (2006-2007), Honorary Member, Conference Committee Emeritus, Corporate Relations Committee
San Jose State University
Cedric J. Pearce
President (2017-2018), JNP Associate Editor, Publications Committee, Corporate Relations Committee Co-Chair, Fellow (2021)
Mycosynthetix, Inc.