Constitution and By-Laws
The American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP) was founded in 1959 by the members of the Plant Science Laboratory Seminar (1923-1959) to promote the growth and development of pharmacognosy, to provide the opportunity for association among workers in the science, to provide opportunities for presentation of research achievements, and to promote the publication of meritorious research. The Society supports scholarly effort and the dissemination of results in the broad, interdisciplinary world of pharmacognosy and associated natural product sciences.
Article I: Name
The name of the Society shall be The American Society of Pharmacognosy.
Article II: Organization and Operation
- The American Society of Pharmacognosy is a community that is committed to an environment of diversity and inclusion guided by the belief that these principles allow us to achieve and sustain scientific excellence. In policy and practice therefore, the Society will encourage and make efforts to facilitate the membership and equal participation of all people regardless of gender identity, national origin, religion, age, physical capability or disability, or race as defined by ancestry, genetics or social relations. In the conduct of these policies and practices, the Society will make sincere efforts to accommodate any special needs requests that are deemed necessary to allow for the full participation of all in Society events and scientific functions. Decisions made by officers and committee members of the Society that relate to these principles of diversity and inclusion will be guided by a keen awareness of the policies and practices stated above.
- The American Society of Pharmacognosy is organized and operated exclusively for scientific purposes. Its activities are to be conducted on a nonprofit basis. No part of the net earnings of the Society inures to the benefit of any private individual. In the event of the dissolution of the Society, all of its assets and property shall be transferred to a corporation, fund, or foundation organized and operated exclusively for scientific or educational purposes and exempt from Federal income tax under the provisions of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provisions of any subsequent revenue law.
Article III: Membership
- The Society shall consist of associate members, members, fellows, honorary members, and emeritus members.
- Membership shall be open to professional pharmacognosists, to graduate students, and to others with allied interests, these from all nations. Fellows shall be nominated by the existing Fellows, and ratified by the Executive Committee during the Society Annual Meeting. Honorary members shall be selected by the Executive Committee after nomination by the Honorary Membership Committee. Fellows shall be appointed based on exceptional contribution to the sciences promoted by the society. Honorary members will be selected on the basis of meritorious service to the Society and shall be exempt from the payment of dues. Fellows and Honorary members will be eligible to vote and will be eligible to hold either appointed or elective offices. Fellows shall constitute no more than five percent of the total membership and honorary members shall constitute no more than two percent of the total membership of the Society. Students may become associate members without voting privileges and without being eligible to hold elective offices.
- Any member who reaches the age of 65 years and has maintained membership for at least the preceding 5 years may request emeritus membership. Emeritus members shall be assessed dues at a reduced rate and shall retain all of the rights and privileges of membership.
- A member, of any category, may be removed from membership of the Society by a three-fourths vote of the Executive Committee, if actions by that member are deemed to damage the reputation of the Society.
Article IV: Meetings
- The Annual Meeting of the Society shall be held at such a time and place as may be determined by the Executive Committee and shall embody principally a Scientific Program for the dissemination and propagation of science; a social program for the interaction of members and an Annual Business Meeting for the direction and control of the Society.
- The Annual Business Meetings will be conducted in concordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. The President will appoint a parliamentarian from among those members present at the Annual Meeting to rule on any questions concerning the order of the meeting.
- Non-members may attend the Annual Business Meeting but may not vote and may not speak from the floor unless recognized by the President, who is the Chair of the Annual Business Meeting.
Article V: Officers
- The officers of the Society shall be a President, a Vice-President, the Immediate Past-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, an Assistant Treasurer and the Chair of the ASP Foundation. An Individual shall hold only one office at any one time.
- The President and Vice-President shall serve for one-year terms and the Vice-President shall succeed automatically to the office of President upon the death or resignation of the President. The Vice-President is promoted to the presidency after the conclusion of his/her term and upon the installation of his/her successor as Vice-President. A member shall be ineligible for election to the vice-presidency within a period of five years from the date he/she assumes that office.
- In the event that a President’s term is shorter than the statutory term, the Vice President shall serve as President until such date as that Vice President would have served had the President completed his/her normal term.
- In the event that the Vice-President cannot complete his/her term and succeed to the presidency, the runner-up of the previous year’s presidential election will be appointed to the Vice-Presidency, provided that he/she has received not less than 35% of the votes in the election. If the person declines or received less than 35% of the votes in the election, the Executive Committee elects from among its elected members a person, other than the Secretary, to fill the vacated Vice-President position. The resulting Executive Committee vacancy is filled by appointment by the Executive Committee for a term until the next scheduled general ballot and not for a four-year term.
- The Secretary shall be elected for a three-year term and may be eligible for re-election.
- The Treasurer shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall serve for a five-year term and may be eligible for reappointment.
- The Assistant Treasurer shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall serve for a five-year term which should not be coincident with the five-year term of the Treasurer. The Assistant Treasurer may be eligible for reappointment.
- The Chair of the ASP Foundation will be selected by the Executive Committee and will serve for a five year term and may be eligible for reappointment.
- Candidates for election to the Executive Committee shall be nominated from the membership. Nominations shall be taken via solicitation by the Nomination Committee prior to the Annual Meeting as well as from the floor during the Annual Meeting. Any member who has so consented may have his/her name placed in nomination.
- In the event that any officer of the Executive Committee is rendered unable or unwilling to fulfill his/her duties, they can be removed from the Executive Committee via a two-thirds vote of the committee.
Article VI: Executive Committee, Staff, The American Society of Pharmacognosy Foundation (ASP Foundation), and Other Standing Committees
- The Executive Committee shall consist of the President who will serve as Chair, the immediate Past President, the Vice-president, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer, the Chair of the ASP Foundation, and the Chair of the Publications Committee. There shall also be four elected members, one member elected by the Society each year and each serving a term of four years. Further, a member of the Executive Committee, serving for a two year period, shall be elected by the Society from two member nominees chosen by the Younger Members Committee. Business shall be conducted at a called meeting, for which at least one week’s notice has been given to all members, only when a quorum is present. A quorum shall consist of one more than half of the membership of the Executive Committee.
- The Officers of the Society, acting unanimously, or the Executive Committee by a 2/3 majority, may hire such staff, including a Business Manager, as may be deemed necessary for the smooth operation of the Society.
- The Business Manager shall attend all domestic meetings of the Executive Committee and the Annual General Meeting of the Society, and deliver such reports as appropriate, but will not be a voting member.
- The Membership Committee shall consist of three members, with the Vice-President serving as Chair. The other two members of the Committee shall be appointed by the President. Their terms of office shall be two years, and they will be eligible for reappointment.
- The Honorary Membership Committee shall consist of three members, appointed by the President, their terms of office shall be for three years, and each will be eligible for reappointment. The President shall appoint a chair.
- The Meetings of the Society will be organized by a Conference Planning Committee, which shall consist of not less than three members to be appointed two years in advance of each Meeting by the President of the Society. The President will also designate the Chair of this Conference Planning Committee, and the Business Manager shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Conference Planning Committee. Additional members may be designated by the Chair of the Conference Planning Committee in consultation with the President.
- The Committee on Awards and Funds shall consist of six members, appointed by the President, with terms of office of six years. The President shall appoint one new member each year to serve a six-year term. If the appointment of an additional member is necessary in a given year, the newly appointed member will serve the remainder of the vacated term. A member shall be ineligible for reappointment within a period of three years from the date he/she leaves that office. The Treasurer of the ASP Foundation shall serve as ex officio. The President shall appoint the Chair of the Committee.
- The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members, with the immediate past-President serving as its Chair. The remaining two members, who must not be currently serving on the Executive Committee, shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Society for a one-year term.
- The Publications Committee shall consist of the Editor of the Journal of the Society, who as a member of the Society will serve as Chair, those Associate Editors who are members of the Society, two members appointed by the Executive Committee representing the ASP on the Management Board of the Journal, and those members of the Editorial Advisory Board who are members of the ASP. The terms of appointment of the members of the Publications Committee shall be coincident with their terms of appointment to their positions with the Journal in accordance with the agreement between the Society and the American Chemical Society. The Treasurer of the Society shall serve ex-officio. Such members as may be necessary for a search committee for the editor shall be appointed by the Executive Committee, which will also vote the concurrence of the Society with the final selection of the Editor. All Publication Committee members other than the Editor will be appointed by the Executive Committee.
- The Constitution and By-Laws Committee, consisting of three members, shall be appointed by the president to three-year terms. Members shall be eligible for re-appointment, but not more than one member of the Executive Committee may be designated to serve concurrently on the Constitution and By-Laws Committee. The President shall appoint the chair of the committee.
- The Publicity Committee shall consist of three members, appointed by the President, to terms of office of three years. The Treasurer of the Society shall serve ex officio .The President shall appoint the Chair of the Committee. The Publicity Committee will work with the Conference Planning Committee to ensure the appropriate advertisement of future events. Members shall be eligible for reappointment.
- The Norman R. Farnsworth ASP Research Achievement and Matt Suffness Young Investigator Award Committee shall consist of three members, appointed by the President, with terms of office of three years. The President shall appoint one new member each year to serve a three-year term. The member serving his/her final year shall be the chair to this committee. If the appointment of an additional member is necessary in a given year, the newly appointed member will serve the remainder of the vacated term. A member shall be ineligible for reappointment within a period of three years from the date he/she leaves that office. If a member of the Committee is nominated for the award, the President shall appoint another member to replace the nominee for the duration of his/her appointment.
- The Varro E. Tyler Prize Committee shall consist of three members, appointed by the President, with terms of office of three years. The President shall appoint one new member each year to serve a three-year term. The member serving his/her final year shall be the chair to this committee. If the appointment of an additional member is necessary in a given year, the newly appointed member will serve the remainder of the vacated term. A member shall be ineligible for reappointment within a period of three years from the date he/she leaves that office. The President shall appoint the Chair of the Committee. If a member of the Committee is nominated for the award, the President shall appoint another member to replace the nominee for the duration of his/her appointment.
- The Executive Committee, in order to help accomplish the purpose and goals of the Society as outlined in Article II, shall have constituted a separate corporate body to be known as the American Society of Pharmacognosy Foundation (The ASP Foundation). The By-Laws of The ASP Foundation shall be drawn up by the Executive Committee and may be changed by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. The Officers and Directors of The ASP Foundation will be appointed by, and serve at the discretion of, the Executive Committee of the Society.
Article VII: Election of Officers
- The incoming officers shall be installed during the last business session of the Annual Meeting. The terms for elected committee members shall commence at the time of the installation of new officers. Officers and elected committee members shall serve until the installation of their successors. Members may be appointed to other committees at any time, but their appointments shall terminate with the installation of officers at the next Annual Meeting, except as specifically provided for in the Constitution.
- The Nominating Committee shall present the names of a minimum of two candidates for each elective office at the Annual Meeting. At that time additional nominations from members shall be accepted from the floor.
- The ballot shall consist of those names presented by the Nominating Committee and any additional names, which may be presented and accepted from the floor at the Annual Meeting.
- The WebMaster, with the help of the Secretary and/or Business Manager, shall forward the ballot electronically to each member no later than eight months after the close of the Annual Meeting of the Society, with provision made to guarantee that each member may only submit one ballot which shall remain secret. All ballots must be completed properly and returned to the WebMaster six weeks after the ballots were sent to members.
- All ballots returned shall be counted by a Tellers Committee consisting of the WebMaster and two persons designated by the President in consultation with the WebMaster.
- A plurality of votes shall elect. If the vote results in a tie, the names of those candidates who have tied shall be resubmitted to the Executive Committee of the Society in a runoff election.
- The WebMaster shall report the results of the ballot to the Secretary who will promptly notify newly-elected members of their election to office.
- Vacancies in any elected position, except for the presidency and vice-presidency, resulting from death, incapacity or resignation shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Committee for a term until the next scheduled general ballot. The Nominating Committee shall present the names of two members for that position.
Article VIII: Formation of Local Sections
- The committee/individual initiating formation of a local section (chapter) must first receive approval from a simple majority of the Executive Committee before submitting an application to all Society members at the Annual meeting.
- After the application has been approved, members of the local section shall vote to form a Governing Board. The Governing Board shall be an independent body, but its fiscal responsibilities, and its constitution and by-laws, must be approved by the Executive Committee, and be consistent with the ASP’s Constitution and By-Laws.
- All members of the local section shall also be members of the ASP.
Article IX: Amendments
Proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee at least two months in advance of the Annual Meeting of the Society. Amendments must receive the approval of a simple majority of the Executive Committee before being submitted to the membership at the Annual Meeting for approval to conduct an electronic ballot vote that will be available to all members. An amendment must receive a two-thirds majority from those members voting in order to be accepted.
Section 1: Duties of Officers
- The President shall preside at the Annual Meeting of the Society and shall appoint those committees of the Society as indicated in the Constitution. Special Committees shall also be appointed by the President.
- The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in the absence or, at the request of the President and shall preside at certain sessions of the Annual Meeting and the Executive Committee meetings. The Vice President shall also be Chair of the Membership Committee.
- The President, Vice-President, and Immediate Past-President, will each also have the role of Director of the Society. The Directors have the responsibility to act in good faith and in the best interests of the Society and may oversee corporate decisions for the Society.
- The Secretary with the support of the Business Manager shall oversee balloting, keep all records of the meetings, and shall conduct all official correspondence of this office.
- The Treasurer shall oversee the finances of the Society, be responsible for the business management of the Society publications, assist any committee as needed, and present a financial report at the Annual Meeting. The Treasurer shall also oversee the Business Manager.
- The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer in overseeing the finances of the Society and act as Treasurer in any instance where the Treasurer is unable to function.
- In the event that an Executive Committee member, other than the President and Vice-President, is unable to complete his/her term, then the President will suggest to the Executive Committee a member of the Society to fill this position for the remainder of the term; approval requires a simple majority of the Executive Committee.
Section 2: Duties of Committees and Staff
- The Executive Committee shall carry out the duties assigned to it in the Constitution and shall have the power to consider or act upon other matters in the intervals between annual meetings of the Society.
- The Membership Committee shall promote the increase in Society membership and the Vice President, as Chair shall send a letter of welcome to all new members.
- The Honorary Membership Committee shall carry out its duties as prescribed under the guidelines approved by the Executive Committee. These duties shall include the receipt of nominations for honorary membership in the Society from the membership and the presentation of the committee recommendations to the Executive Committee.
- The Conference Planning Committee shall arrange for a meeting place and accommodations and make other arrangements necessary for conducting an annual or other meetings of the Society. The Conference Planning Committee shall also be responsible for publicizing said meeting in conjunction with significant assistance from the Social Media Committee. All of the above will be conducted in cooperation with the Business Manager under the guidelines approved by the Executive Committee.
- The Committee on Awards and Funds shall coordinate with the ASP Foundation for the offering and presentation of Awards, within the policy guidelines laid out by the Executive Committee.
- The Nominating Committee shall generate a slate of candidates for each elective office. Candidates shall be selected from the membership of the Society. The Nominating Committee must present the names of at least two candidates for each elective office to the membership at the Annual Meeting.
- The Publications Committee shall maintain and facilitate the orderly publication of the Journal of the Society.
- The Constitution and By-Laws Committee shall be responsible for maintaining the currency and integrity of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society. As required by the Constitution, this committee shall draft amendments to the Constitution and/or By-Laws to address the ever-changing needs of the Society, and submit these changes to the Executive Committee at least two months in advance of the Annual Meeting.
- The Social Media Committee shall publicize via social media and any other methods the existence and activities of the Society and the significant achievements of its members. Such publicity shall include, but is not limited to ASP promotion, ASP activities, member activities, ASP announcements and meeting promotion.
- The Norman R. Farnsworth Research Achievement and Matt Suffness Young Investigator’s Award Committee shall be charged with the responsibility for the selection of the recipients of the Norman R. Farnsworth Research Achievement Award and the Matt Suffness Young Investigator’s Award. The latter must be a member of the Society. These two awards represent recognition given in the general area of pharmacognosy. No more than one (1) award winner may be selected each year for the Norman R. Farnsworth Research Achievement Award. For the Matt Suffness Young Investigator’s Award, up to two (2) awards may be selected each year. No restriction is placed on the selection of the Norman R. Farnsworth Awardee other than research achievements advancing the field of pharmacognosy. Nominees for the Matt Suffness Young Investigator’s Award must have received their PhD no more than 12 years prior and have obtained an independent position no more than 10 years prior to their nomination. Former recipients of an award shall not be eligible for consideration for the same award. This Awards Committee will solicit applications for each of these awards to assure quality candidates if possible. All nominations to this committee will be held for consideration for a period of three years.
- The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee shall be responsible for fostering a diverse, inclusive, and equitable community within the ASP. Duties will include developing and implementing initiatives to promote equity for underrepresented groups within the ASP, including, but not limited to, people with disabilities, women, LGBTQ+, and Black, Indigenous, and Latinx (BIL) members.
- The Varro E. Tyler Prize Committee shall be charged with the responsibility for the selection of the recipient of the Varro E. Tyler Prize. This and the Norman R. Farnsworth Research Achievement Award, represent the highest awards given by the Society. No more than one (1) award winner may be selected in each year. Selection shall be to recognize an individual who has made outstanding scientific, advocacy or leadership contributions to the field of botanical supplements/phytomedicines. Former recipients of this award shall not be eligible for consideration. All nominations to this committee will be held for consideration for a period of three years.
- The Business Manager’s duties (with the oversight of the Treasurer) include but not limited to: bookkeeping, accounts payable, account receivable, and keeping the records of the Society, Society meeting planning and budgeting in coordination with the Organizing Committee, arrange for all meetings of the Society in coordination with the Conference Planning Committee, arrange the Executive Committee Meetings, and in other ways support the Officers, Executive Committee and all other committees of the Society. Neither the Business Manager nor the Treasurer shall commit funds greater than $1000, without the approval of the other, or of the President of the Society.
- The following functions and Committees along with the Business Manager shall develop appropriate policies and guidelines to facilitate succession of leadership and to codify procedures necessary for the efficient and ongoing success of their activities: Treasurer, Committee on Awards and Funds, Honorary Membership Committee, Membership Committee, Conference Planning Committee, and Social Media Committee. Copies of policies and guidelines are maintained by the Secretary and the Business Manager.
Section 3: Dues and Fiscal Year
- Changes in annual membership dues shall be proposed by the Executive Committee and approved by a simple majority of members of the Society in attendance at the Annual Business Meeting. Dues are payable in the last quarter of the fiscal year for membership in the Society for the following year.
- The fiscal year of the Society shall coincide with the calendar year.
- Any member in arrears for dues or other financial obligations to the Society may be dropped from membership by action of the Executive Committee. A member in arrears will be allowed a grace period for 4 months. A graced member still receives the benefits of their membership type. After 4 months in arrears, the membership will be lapsed until the time the member rejoins.
Section 4: Quorum for the Annual Meeting
Five percent of the membership of the Society shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business which may properly come before the Society at the Annual Business Meeting.
Section 5: Amendments
Proposed amendments to the By-Laws shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee at least two months in advance of the Annual Meeting of the Society. Amendments must receive the approval of a simple majority of the Executive Committee before being submitted to the membership for the Annual Business Meeting for approval by a simple majority in order to be accepted.
Updated 10/21/2022
© American Society of Pharmacognosy, 2016