The Office of Regulatory Science of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) is seeking an outstanding analytical or bioanalytical chemist with mass spectrometry expertise to participate in our food safety research program. An opening for a postdoctoral research fellow is available in the Bioanalytical Methods Branch. The position is located in College Park, Maryland. Interested candidates should submit a curriculum vitae, a list of references, and a cover letter that includes a short statement of experience and research interests via email to: Christine Parker, Chief, Bioanalytical Methods Branch (
The position will involve the development and validation of methods for the identification of emerging chemical residues in foods and dietary supplement products using mass spectrometry (MS)-based techniques (i.e., LC-MS and/or GC-MS).
- A Ph.D. degree in Analytical Chemistry, Bioanalytical Chemistry, or related fields, with a strong background and interest in MS instrumental analysis, is required.
- Candidates should be experienced with the latest liquid chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques including data acquisition and processing, compound identification, and small molecule quantitation.
- Training in non-targeted analysis (NTA) including experience in NTA software tools (e.g., Compound Discoverer software, Global Natural Products Social Molecular Networking), is also highly desirable.
- U.S. citizenship, permanent resident status, or a valid J1 Visa is required. Applicants must have resided in the United States for at least 36 of the previous 60 months to be eligible.
- A successful background investigation is also required.
Christine Parker, Ph.D, Christine.Parker@FDA.HHS.GOV