Bill Baker
President (2007-2008), Archives Committee Chair
University of South Florida
Bill Baker, originally from Salinas, CA, received his B.S. from the CA Polytechnic State
University in San Luis Obispo (1982) and his Ph.D. from Univ. Hawaii (1986) working with
Paul Scheuer. He did postdoc research with Ronald Parry at Rice University (1987-1988), and
with Carl Djerassi at Stanford Univ., spending considerable time at Hopkins
Marine Station in Monterey, where the Djerassi lab did much of their field
work. He moved to Florida in 1990 where he advanced through the
academic ranks at the Florida Institute of Technology before moving to his
current position at the Univ. South Florida in Tampa in 2001. His research
focuses broadly on the discovery and generation of new chemical diversity
from marine organisms, taking him to many of the world's oceans, including
ten field seasons in Antarctica. As a postdoc, he attended his first ASP
meeting at the Univ. Rhode Island in 1988, and since has missed only a few
meetings, bringing over thirty students with him. He and his students have
presented nearly 50 presentations and/or posters including half a dozen posters presented by
undergraduate students, three of whom have gone on to do their graduate studies with ASP
members. Several of his graduate students have received ASP awards for their presentations.
Over the years, Bill has served on many ASP committees, and was Chair of the Organizing
Committee for the 1998 meeting in Orlando, and is currently a member of the Organizing
Committee for the 2010 meeting, to be held in Tampa (St. Petersburg Beach). During his
Presidential year, Bill focused on involving members more directly in the business of the society
and building membership. (BB)