Lynn Brady
President (1970-1971)
Honorary Member (1991)
Lynn R. Brady received B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Nebraska. He then moved
to the University of Washington, following his advisor, Varro Tyler, and completed his Ph.D. in
Pharmacognosy in 1959. He was a founding member of the ASP and served as its 11th President.
Although he was a native of Nebraska, he spent most of his professional
life at the University of Washington School of Pharmacy. He made full
professor in 1966, and continued to move up the ranks, serving as Director
of the Pharmaceutical Sciences and Associate Dean for Academic and
Student Programs. His scholarship and scientific credentials have been
internationally recognized, as was his service to his profession. Lynn
served on the Editorial Advisory Board of the Society for more than
twenty years. He never missed an Annual Meeting of the ASP, at which
he always found time to help roast the outgoing President. For many
years, he provided the wood from which the gavel of each retiring
president was made. This wood was from the Cascara sagrada tree, and was native to Lynn’s
area of the Pacific Northwest. Lynn’s research interests were in the area of secondary
metabolites of higher fungi, and his research led to the publication of nearly one hundred
scientific papers. He also served as a co-editor (with Varro Tyler and Jim Robbers) of the
standard American textbook Pharmacognosy for the 7th – 9th editions. In 1991, he was made an
Honorary Member of the ASP. Among his many other honors, the he was recognized by the
establishment of the Lynn R. Brady Endowed Scholarship Fund at the University of Washington
and the ASP established the Lynn Brady Student Travel Award for graduate students to help
with the cost of travel to the annual ASP meeting. (Dave Carew)