Guy T. Carter
President (2008-2009), Fellow (2013), Farnsworth Award (2017), ASP2022 Organizing Committee
Biosortia Pharmaceuticals
Guy Carter received a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Lehigh Univ. (1971) and a Ph.D. in
Biochemistry from the Univ. Wisconsin (1976), and was an NIH Postdoctoral Fellow with
Kenneth Rinehart at the Univ. Illinois. In 1981, he joined American Cyanamid (Lederle
Laboratories) as a natural product chemist working on antibiotic
discovery. His research resulted in the discovery of nemadectin, which
was the lead compound for the commercial antiparasitic agent
Moxidectin. He became Head of Natural Products Chemistry in 1994,
just prior to the merger with Wyeth. At present, he is Assistant VP of
Chemical Technologies, in the Chem. Sci. Department at Wyeth
Research, and is responsible for Natural Products Discovery (sourcing
to chemistry), Analytical Chemistry support, and Pharmaceutical
Profiling. Guy is inventor or co-inventor on 21 US Patents and as an
author on more than 100 publications. He served on the Exec. Committee of the ASP
(1998−2001) and as president. His first ASP was at UNC Chapel Hill (1985). He recalls that,
“The sessions were held in classrooms, and most of us stayed in the dorms. I gave a presentation
on the partial structure of a unique antibiotic… It was another thirteen years before the structure
of saccharomicin was solved by Fangming Kong, and presented at the ASP Meeting in Orlando.
By that time, our accommodations had improved considerably, as the venue was the Coronado
Springs Resort at Walt Disney World.” However, the most memorable meeting for him was the
2001 meeting in Oaxaca, Mexico, “In addition to a stellar scientific program, our hosts provided
a true cultural experience featuring fireworks, music, and opportunities to absorb some of the
artistic and historical richness of that region of Mexico.” Guy serves on the Editorial Boards of J.
Antibiotics (1995−present), J. Nat. Prod. (2006−present), and Antimicrob. Agents Chemother.
(2009−), and was a member of the NIH Synthetic Biological Chemistry B Study Section (2005-
2008). He was Vice Chair of the Marine Natural Products Gordon Research Conference in 2008
(and is slated to be Chair again in 2010). (GTC)