John H. Cardellina II
President (2000-2001), Foundation Chair, Honorary Member, Fellow (2010), Tyler Prize (2021), Publications Committee
John Cardellina earned bachelor degrees in Chemistry and Russian from Pennsylvania State
University, and a Ph.D. from the Univ. Hawaii (1979). Following an academic position at
Montana State University, he headed the Natural Products Chemistry Section of the NCI Lab. of
Drug Discovery Research and Development. Research, and in 1998 joined
the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) as V. P. of Botanical Science
and Regulatory Affairs, guiding member companies in the manufacture of
high quality, safe, beneficial herbal products for the ever-growing number
of consumers. From 2002-2007, he served as an expert chemist in the NCI
Screening Technologies Branch, focusing on the identification and
preclinical development of novel antitumor, antiviral and anti-infective
agents from libraries of natural product extracts and synthetic compounds.
Currently, he consults for the dietary supplement industry, the NIH Office
of Dietary Supplements and the US Army Research Institute for Infectious Diseases. John
attended his first ASP meeting in 1981 in Pittsburgh where President Jack Rosazza introduced
himself to John within three minutes of his arrival! Other meeting highlights have been getting
extra lobster(s) from President Yuzuru Shimizu at the Rhode Island meeting, and precipitating a
lobster consumption challenge with Norm Farnsworth and others in an unlimited crab feed at
2006 Washington/Crystal City meeting. Since 1981, John has been very active on numerous ASP
committees, and during his Presidential year he established the Younger Members Committee.
(Scott Baggett)