Alice M. Clark
President (1994-1995), Honorary Member, Fellow (2018), Corporate Relations Committee Co-Chair
The University of Mississippi
In 1976 Alice Clark travelled to her first ASP meeting in Cable, WI, to present her recently
completed Master’s research. Being her first oral presentation at her first national meeting, she
was naturally nervous and had practiced repeatedly. Unfortunately, the final slide with the
structure of the new compound she had isolated was missing (left in the
projector at home!), and trying to “think on her feet”, she drew the entire
structure from memory, forgetting that she had shown it just two slides
before! Despite this misstep, she recalls feeling nothing but overwhelming
support from the audience, and a sense of belonging to a family she had not
known until that moment. As President, the final incorporation of J. Nat.
Prod. into ACS Journals occurred, and although this move seemed like a
huge “leap of faith” at the time, it has since proven highly beneficial to JNP
and the Society. After 32 years, and hosting two annual and two interim
meetings, her first meeting remains her favorite; “the setting was beautiful, the people were
friendly, and as a first time experience it was invigorating and empowering.” Today she still
attends meetings whenever her duties as Vice Chancellor for Research & Sponsored Programs
allow, enjoying interacting with friends and colleagues and staying current in the field. Of her
participation in ASP, she recalls it “was one of three major experiences during my professional
career that helped to prepare me for the leadership roles I was called to take on later in life.
Without the friendships made through ASP and the words of encouragement and support, I
would not have had as rewarding a career.” She reminds us “if you embrace the society and stay
involved, it will encourage you and support you,” and could become your professional family as
well. (Christina M. Coleman)