Harry H.S. Fong
President (1978-1979), Honorary Member (2004)
University of Illinois at Chicago
Harry H.S. Fong, a Charter Member of the ASP, is Professor Emeritus of Pharmacognosy at the
Univ. Illinois at Chicago (UIC), Associate Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre on
Traditional Medicine at UIC, and Adjunct Prof., RMIT Univ., Melbourne, Australia. His
research interests include natural agents useful against cancer, malaria,
HIV and TB, and standardization of herbal medicines/botanical dietary
supplements. Harry immigrated to the US at age 14, and thought that, like
his father and grandfather, he would make his fortune as a pharmacy
owner. However, as a pharmacy student at Univ. Pittsburgh (Class 1959),
he met Norm Farnsworth, who enlisted Gordon Svoboda to convince
Harry that $100/month as a grad. student was better than $500/month as a
pharmacist. As Farnsworth’s first graduate student (MS, 1961), Fong learned to smoke cigars
and swear like a sailor. It took Jack Beal at Ohio State four years (1961-1965) to undo some of
those habits (and to impart some of the Beal humility). Among the things Harry prizes most are
his service to the ASP, the Society of Economic Botany (SEB), and WHO. He has served on
numerous committees of ASP, and as Associate Editor of J. Nat. Prod. (1993-1998), and he is a
past president of ASP and SEB. He is a member of the WHO Traditional Medicine Expert Panel
(1997-present) and sits on the International Advisory Board on Hong Kong Chinese Materia
Medica Standards (1992-present). He is an author or co-author on over 165 research papers,
book chapters, etc., including the WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants Vol. 1-4, the
WHO Guidelines on GACP, and he is a drafter of the National Policy on Traditional Medicine
for Papua New Guinea (2000-2010). He has received many awards, but he is most proud of the
many former graduate students at UIC, whom he mentored, formally and informally, and of his
three children who followed him into the academic world as Ph.D./M.D. research scientists. (HF)