Charles Hufford
President (1996-1997)
After joining the ASP during his grad studies at the Ohio State University in the early 1970s,
Charles Hufford attended his first ASP meeting in 1972, and has since made more than 50
presentations of his research, including his life-long research on herbal dietary supplements. He
has enjoyed many ASP meetings, including the 1973 meeting at Jekyll
Island, GA, the 1976 meeting in Cable, WI, and the 1983 and 1995 meetings
held at the University of Mississippi. The 1997 meeting at the Univ. Iowa
was also memorable due to the quality of the academic setting and the
overall scientific excellence. As president, he instituted policies which
streamlined business meetings, and helped establish the independent position
of website manager. His most significant long range contribution was,
perhaps, his administrative reforms of the ASP Foundation, where he
introduced the idea of a permanent chair, and persuaded John Cassady to
accept the position. The Foundation has since greatly benefited from John’s
administrative and fund-raising experience, as well as from the longer term stability of the
relationships built with its potential funding sources. Throughout his long involvement with the
ASP and other societies, he has come to greatly admire the ASP and its members for their
dedication and high level of involvement. As a primarily volunteer-based society, he remarks
that he is often “surprised at how well the society works without a paid staff,” and that the
“society functions quite well and is financially sound due to huge contributions by key members
of the society and to a large group of loyal people.” (Christina M. Coleman)