Nomination Deadline is February 15th
Honorary members are members of the Society who have a distinguished record in the field of natural products science and are also recognized for their service to the American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP). This service may take various forms, but exemplifies outstanding, enduring support of the Society, from contributions to executive functions of the organization, to the publications of the society such as the Journal of Natural Products and the ASP Newsletter, to immersion in the Society’s initiatives in order to advance the growth and development of pharmacognosy as a discipline and its members as natural product scientists. An honorary member is an ambassador for the Society, promoting its vitality, its outreach and its depth.
The Honorary Membership Committee (HMC) recommends nominees to the ASP Executive Committee. The committee shall carry out its duties as prescribed under the guidelines approved by the ASP Executive Committee. These duties include the solicitation of nominations from the ASP membership for honorary membership in the Society, receipt and evaluation of nominations, and presentation of committee recommendations to the Executive Committee.
The HMC wishes to receive nominations through a transparent process. We welcome nominations from the ASP membership at large that illuminate the contributions of members who fulfill the above-stated criteria. Nominations are requested annually from the general ASP membership and should include a detailed nomination letter highlighting the nominee’s scholarly record and service contributions to the ASP. Please submit nominations through the ASP Honorary Member Nomination Form. The deadline for nomination of candidates will be February 15th, coinciding with the deadlines of other major ASP award nominations.
The HMC will review nominations and make recommendations to the ASP Executive Committee. The membership count of the previous year ending in July will be used to determine the number of new Honorary Members that are possible in the following year. As stated in the ASP Bylaws, the number of Honorary Members cannot exceed 2% of the membership.
We welcome any suggestions. Please feel free to reach out to any of the members of the HMC anytime.
Barbara Timmermann, Chair
William Gerwick
Jim Gloer