The Kilmer Prize was established in 1935 by the American Pharmacists Association (APhA, originally American Pharmaceutical Association) in honor of Dr. Frederick Barnett Kilmer who served as the scientific director of the laboratories of Johnson & Johnson for 45 years beginning in 1888. Dr. Kilmer was a key player in Johnson & Johnson’s promotion of antiseptic methods in hospital settings. He was a prolific and respected authority on scientific and medical topics and influenced the acceptance of these novel procedures and methods through his articles in the Johnson & Johnson magazines, including “Red Cross Notes” and “The Red Cross Messenger.”
The prize is administered and supported jointly by the APhA and the ASP. Both undergraduate and graduate students in schools or colleges of pharmacy are eligible for this award, which has no society membership requirements on either the applicant or their supervisor All applicants should submit:
• A cover letter including contact information and email address.
• A research paper describing his/her own work in the area of natural products. The research paper should conform in general to the format of the Journal of Natural Products.
• A letter certifying status from the university registrar or graduate dean.
The Kilmer Prize consists of a gold key, suitably inscribed, bearing the likeness of Dr. Kilmer. The recipient will receive a complimentary registration, $300 from the American Pharmaceutical Association, and up to $700 from the American Society of Pharmacognosy to help offset the costs associated with attendance at the annual ASP meeting, the award will be given.
Past Kilmer Prize Recipients