Membership in the ASP is recognized in several categories:
Please note: Membership applications will be accepted only through the online membership form. Paper applications are no longer valid and will not be accepted.
Full MembershipFull membership is open to any scientist interested in the study of natural products. Dues are $70.00 per calendar year. ASP members receive the Journal of Natural Products, available in print and web editions, at reduced rates (if paid prior to Dec 9 of the previous year). See the online membership form for the current year’s subscription rates. |
Associate MembershipAssociate membership is open to students of pharmacognosy and allied fields. These members are not accorded voting privileges, and dues are $25.00 per calendar year. ASP members receive the Journal of Natural Products, available in print and web editions, at reduced rates. See the online membership form for the current year’s subscription rates. |
Emeritus MembershipEmeritus membership is open to members of the Society who over 65 and maintained membership in the Society for at least five years. Dues are $10.00 per calendar year. These members receive the ASP Newsletter. Emeritus members may subscribe to the Journal of Natural Products at the Full Member rates. |
Honorary MembershipHonorary members are selected by the Executive Committee of the ASP on the basis of meritorious service to pharmacognosy. Nominations for Honorary Membership in the ASP are accepted by the Honorary Membership Committee. If you would like to nominate a member for this distinguished honor, please forward your nomination as well as supporting biographical data to the Honorary Membership Committee Chair. |
Cancellation Policy
Membership dues and Journal of Natural Products subscriptions are payable on a calendar year basis. Cancelled memberships or subscriptions will be refunded on a pro-rated basis.
For additional information, please contact:
Laura Stoll
Business Manager, The American Society of Pharmacognosy
© American Society of Pharmacognosy, 2016