After 25 years of working as a scientist in increasingly entrepreneurial environments, including positions at early stage platform and drug discovery/development companies, a late-night chance encounter in 2000 at Raleigh Durham airport with Arthur Pappas, a life science investor, was my introduction into the world of venture capital.
On September 2020, the BBC released Extinction: The Facts, a documentary about the sixth mass extinction. It is narrated by Sir David Attenborough, a natural historian known for his work in BBC’s Life series. The 58-minute film shows the effects of biodiversity loss and climate change. Attenborough, together with renowned scientists from different fields, provide a series of shocking facts that make this documentary a compulsory watch for all.
Edward J. Kennelly, PhD
Editor In Chief
Patricia Carver, MA
Copyediting & Proofreading
Nancy Novick
Design & Production
Gordon Cragg, PhD
Mario Figueroa, PhD
Joshua Kellogg, PhD
Michael Mullowney, PhD
Guido Pauli, PhD
Patricia Van Skaik, MA, MLS
Jaclyn Winter, PhD
ASP Newsletter Committee
Contribution deadlines
Spring: Feb. 15; Summer: May 15 Fall: Aug. 15; Winter:Nov. 15
Please send information to
Edward J. Kennelly, PhD Editor In Chief,
ASP Newsletter
Department of Biological Sciences
Lehman College, CUNY
250 Bedford Park Blvd. West Bronx, NY 10468
ISSN 2377-8520 (print) ISSN 2377-8547 (online)